Moms and Matters of the Heart

I just read an article and video on moms, stress, and heart disease on Great information and hilarious video! You’ve got to watch the video…

“February is National Heart month. More and more women are being diagnosed with, and even dying from heart disease. Most of us know the important things to do to take care of your heart. Many of you are doing those things, like eating decently healthy, and getting some exercise (if chasing kids count). You don’t smoke, you have a few glasses of red wine a week…”

But there is a symptom that’s sneaking up on us – read the rest of the story

7 Reasons Your Son Should(not) Play Football

As a result of this post, I will be attending an NFL Health and Safety Event next week. If you have certain concerns, questions you’d like answered, please comment! I can’t wait to share what I learn!

I am so torn on whether or not my son should play football! (Believe it or not, his dad is too!)  Here are some reasons why he should(not) play …

  1.  NFL coaches wouldn’t even let their sons play. “I was able to ask two NFL head coaches if they would let their sons play football. Both said no. They cited the speed of the game and the elevation of serious injuries…”  via Should My Kid Play Football? A Sports Reporter and Mom Weighs In
  2. But it’s a ‘passage to manhood’ thing. “There are .. players who are trying to prove something to themselves. They are trying to prove they are not afraid… ” via Why You Should Let Your Son Play Football
  3. It’s too dangerous, barbaric, and the head traumas are harmful.    Is Football Too Dangerous
      Continue reading

Needed: More Attention to Boys’ Development

I totally appreciate and agree with this article as we’re dealing with some similar issues now. I recommend reading it.

NY Times: By Perri Klass M.D. boys development

When you learn how to examine the female reproductive system in medical school, you generally work with a professional surrogate patient, and there is often a humiliating moment when you try to palpate the ovaries only to be told, in no uncertain terms, that you are way off-target. At such a moment, the male reproductive system seems quite simple and accessible.

Yet simple it is not. Recent research suggests that we should be paying closer attention to male development, not just to help boys understand and care for a particularly sensitive and vulnerable part of their anatomy — but also to help answer larger questions about what is happening to boys and their growth.
(click to continue)  

3 Reasons to Workout with the Wiggles

I made a New Year’s resolution to workout and lose weight (really original, right? 🙂 )… but one of my challenges is scheduling my workouts. So, I’ve started working out with the Wiggles show which works because … 

1) it’s got a lot of cardio moves – look at the amount of kicks and jumps in this video!
2) my kids love the show and the dancing anyway; hopefully it will tire them out as much as it tires me out.
3) it’s a free workout! (I always love free) No gym membership required!

I could probably do the same with the Fresh Beat Band – but those moves are too complicated for me :-).

3 Reasons Suction … Sucks!

Ooohh! I can’t stand seeing a child with a runny nose and snot just oozing down his face and clumping up on his top lip. And it gets worse when he takes the back of his hand wipes it across his cheek leaving a streak of yellow snot glue – or he sticks his tongue out and snatches it into his mouth like a frog catching a fly. YUCK!!  

If he’s two and under, he can’t help it.  That’s when you know it may be time for the dreaded task of suction. You may disagree, but I think suction is almost worse than changing a poopy. Let me tell you why …
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Too Many Killings, Too Many Children, Too Many Times

I’m a parent. I’m feeling the pain and confusion of today’s school shootings in Connecticut.  I completely agree with these sentiments. Let’s do something!

“As a country, we have been through this too many times. Whether it’s an elementary school in Newtown, or a shopping mall in Oregon, or a temple in Wisconsin, or a movie theater in Aurora, or a street corner in Chicago – these neighborhoods are our neighborhoods, and these children are our children. And we’re going to have to come together and take meaningful ACTION to prevent more tragedies like this, REGARDLESS of the politics.”

President Obama

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Sequence for Kids a Hit!

We love this game! It’s like Connect 4 and Old Main rolled into one. And just when I thought I was only playing to appease my boys (ages 3 &5)- I got into it too and really started competing. And guess what? My youngest beat me! I like the game because … 

* It’s inexpensive (this is always an important detail for me 🙂 ) Sequence
* The rules are simple. 
* We can all play together without feeling like the youngest can’t keep up. It took about him about two games or so to catch on, but he did! Later, he even started strategizing.  
* Most times, it doesn’t take a long time to play.
* The kids can learn about different animals by looking at the pictures and the words.
* It’s inexpensive (did I mention that?)

So, it’s well worth the money and a game all can enjoy.

3-Year-Old Boy Has Tantrum Over Discontinued Hostess Muffins

Okay – this is kinda funny!
Does your child have a favorite food that he would have a tantrum over if it’s discontinued? Maybe if I told my oldest that Chuck-E-Cheese’s has gone out of business he’d be upset, but the youngest would be happy not to see the mouse anymore. 🙂