I’m Rich Grinch!

This is still one of my most popular posts. As I start to feel a little anxiety over the coming holidays, I need to read this again 🙂 .

I may lose some followers over this (please don’t leave!) – but I have to vent. I have an alter ego that surfaces every year around this time as I get frustrated, overtaxed, and worked up with this tradition of ‘buying presents’ for Christmas. Her name is Greta Grinch.

Did you ever stop to think, who started this whole gift exchange thing during Christmas? Who came up with the brilliant idea that we –

  • Make a list of people we like, love, respect, don’t like but we’re related to, don’t respect but we work with
  • Comb the depths of our souls to come up with SOMETHING they need, like, won’t throw away or re-gift
  • Search store after store, website after website, sale after sale to find the right color, size, model, make, and PRICE
  • Purchase , package, wrap, and mail some overpriced, undervalued  token that each recipient will spend two minutes opening and analyzing before moving to the next overpriced … you get the point. 

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Put Down the Video Games, Pick Up Presto Dots!

I like the sound of this game!
1) It’s cost-effective.
2) It promotes working with your hands and being creative.
3) It’s not messy or cumbersome and doesn’t require batteries!! (yay!)
4) It looks like FUN!!

I haven’t tried it with my boys since they are probably too young (the age limit is 6 and above) but check out this video as a doubtful 6y.o. demos the toy for the first time.


(I was not paid for this post.)

Stocking Stuffer: VTech ABC Text and Go

We were fortunate enough to receive this as a preowned gift recently and the boys love it! I figure this would be a great stocking stuffer (I think it’ll fit).  Here’s why …

1) Hand held. 
This is super convenient for playing with in the car (until it gets dark). We were in the car after dark last night and my oldest wanted us to keep the light on in the car so he could keep playing with it. NOT! 

2) Cost effective.
It’s less than $15!! My kind of toy! Seriously, with all of these nearly $100 Ipad knock-off thingys that are topping the Christmas lists this season, this is a great buy!

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No need to buy toys for Christmas, now you can rent

Would you rent toys for your kids? Now you can– click on the link to get the whole story.  Although, I’m not convinced because my kids would probably tear them up and I’d still end up paying. What do you think? 

We rent cars, houses, tools and more. So why not toys? That’s the question a couple of national websites are posing as their new business models take off at Christmas. One of those sites is called Toygaroo and they are getting some attention from parents this year. 

There are obvious advantages to renting “my first thought is, wow that’s awesome” one mother told me as we stood in a toy isle at a local store. When I asked her why she liked the idea she said “because they only play with them for a short amount of time and then they’re off to something else.”
No need to buy toys for Christmas this year, now you can rent.

Where is the North Pole?

This is courtesy of a good friend who has an almost five-year-old boy of her own and who is waay wittier than me…

son: Where does Santa live? 

mom: The North Pole.

son: Where is the North Pole?

mom: Next to heaven.

Have you had the Santa talk with your child?
Honestly, I’ve been avoiding it but I guess I need to come up with something since I’m sure my oldest is hearing something from his friends. I always said I wouldn’t tell my kids about Santa since I work too hard to get them toys (and everything else) anyway. Besides, there is also the ‘real reason for the season.’  But I don’t want to spoil the fun either.

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For the Love of Legos

I love LEGOs!!  Here’s why … 

* Durability.
According to the company website, these little bricks have a scratch and bite-resistant surface. Basically, these things are unbreakable so they last a long time!

* Great for two or more children. 
My boys play so well together with these things- for the most part :-). Each set always has enough for both of them to be occupied. 

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Fisher Price Laugh-n-Learn

So far, I am a fan of Fisher Price. This Laugh-n-Learn Learning Playhouse was one of one of my favorites that met several of my criteria… 

1.) Durable
This is a ‘boy-durable’ toy. I bought this for my first child before he could even stand up and it’s lasted through my second child turning two years old – despite my oldest (and youngest) trying to knock it over – it’s still standing! It’s also easy to clean.
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Step2 Deluxe Train and Track Table

I love this train track table! The grandparents got this for the boys last Christmas and it’s gotten a ton of play (nearly everyday) ever since.  Recently, we had friends over (and about 8 kids) and they all gravitated towards and played with this table. It occupies both my 4y.o. and 2y.o. with minimal fights. The price has gone up from last year, but if you find it on Craigslist in good condition GET IT!   Initially, I was worried that it wouldn’t be interactive enough, but that hasn’t been an issue. 

Other reasons to love it …

1. It’s durable.
The boys have crawled in it, on it, around it. It’s been shaken and moved all about. The table top is still in tact despite being walked on and jumped on. And it’s fairly easy to clean as well.

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